Kategorie 'Wahlfreiheit'

The President’s Choice

Mittwoch, 29. August 2018 - 08:45

http://mikegrost.com/still.htm#Baum says about this heartwarming still life:

Carl Baum 1812 – 1877

American Still Life (c1848-1852) (AAR Volume 6, Number 2, page 24)

Baum is another American artist whose work resembles Roesen’s. American Still Life has a marble table piled high with an extravagance of fruit. There is also a bird’s nest. The picture is especially full of round fruit – hardly anything is elongated. Even the bunches of grapes make the grapes look fairly rounded, although still oblong. Most of the fruits in the picture are small, on the order of cherries. An orange looks positively huge. Baum also likes reddish fruits.

Posterized version (4000 x 5000) of Baum’s still life for your music chamber too: https://wahlspezial.snrk.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/BaumStillLifePosterized.jpg

As for the president’s choice, see: Douglas Wilson: About the Chick on the Piano … (2016-02-29).

Linux Lite

Samstag, 21. Juli 2018 - 13:12


Wir entscheiden, was wir sehen

Dienstag, 16. Januar 2018 - 11:56

Rhombus Tech

Dienstag, 2. Januar 2018 - 16:32


Why has Rhombus Tech been created?

If you have heard of Phonebloks you will know that there are at least hundreds of thousands of people who are deeply concerned about the environmental impact of our throw-away culture in electronics. And whilst Phoneblocks is starting with mobile phones, Rhombus Tech is starting with everything else. [...]

Supporters of the rightist party “AfD” in Germany

Montag, 25. September 2017 - 05:45

In the federal elections in Germany (2017-09-24) more than 1 million voters switched from the moderate conservative to the rightists. 300,000 of the voters who previously voted for the social democrates moved to the rightists. 1,300,000 voters supported the rightists who previously didn’t vote at all.

Voters of the AfD (right populists, “Alternative für Deutschland”): 13%

  • 35% of these voters didn’t vote in 2013 or voted for other (little) parties in in 2013
  • 24% of these voters voted for the AfD (right-wing to far-right) in 2013.
  • 21% of these voters voted for the CDU/CSU (conservatives, centre to centre right, supports Angela Merkel, “Christlich Demokratische Partei”, Bavarian “Christlich Soziale Partei”) in 2013.
  • 21% of these voters voted for the SPD (social democrats, centre left, “Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands”) in 2013.
  • 10% of these voters voted for the FDP (slightly ortholiberal and different from the US liberals, centre to centre right), “Freie Demokratische Partei”) in 2013.
  • 6% of these voters voted for the “Die Linke” (leftist to far left) in 2013.
  • 1% of these voters voted for the “Die Grünen” (greens, centre to centre left) in 2013.

Source: Forschungsgruppe Wahlen (quoted by the weekly DIE ZEIT)

More about the parties: Wikipedia

My personal opinion:
        The rightists always have been there, but only recently they were able to develop structures which allowed them to be visible in the federal parliament. A driving force behind that could be an increasing economical inequality (explanation in German how to measure economic inequality) with a growing group of people who feel left behind by the established parties. This feeling probably had been significantly intensified by refugees who are perceived by AfD voters as cultural and economical competitors. The refugees, the internet and the effects of (not only economic) globalization seem to have served as major catalysts for the emergence and growth of the AfD.
        I think that many AfD supporters would support a leader like Donald Trump. He surely doesn’t recieve any sympathies from the members of any other party in the German parliament. Germany still is a mature democracy.

8 Leute und die arme Hälfte

Samstag, 1. Juli 2017 - 19:50

Der SPIEGEL zeigt in seiner Ausgabe 27 / 1.7.2017 in dem Artikel Selbstbetrug mit System auf Seite 20 eine Grafik zur globalen Vermögensverteilung basierend auf Zahlen von Oxfam aus dem Jahr 2016:

50% besaßen 0,2% des Vermögens.
40% besaßen 10,8% des Vermögens.
10% besaßen 89% des Vermögens.

http://www.umverteilung.de/calculator/?quantiles=50,0.2|40,10.8|10,89 errechnet einen Ginikoeffizient von 84%.

Bei Oxfam gibt es eine Tabelle mit einer feineren Auflösung der Anteile der Weltbevölkerung am globalen Vermögen: https://www.oxfam.de/system/files/sperrfrist_20170116-0101_national_wealth_data.xlsx

%, 109 US$

50, 409
10, 1509
10, 2838
10, 5779
10, 17388
9, 97936
1, 129900 [Den größten Teil davon besitzen 8 Leute]

http://www.umverteilung.de/calculator/?quantiles=50,409|10,1509|10,2838|10,5779|10,17388|9,97936|1,129900 errechnet einen Ginikoeffizient von 91%.

Daran sieht man, dass zu Ungleichverteilungsmaßen immer angegeben werden muss, wie sie berechnet worden sind. Die Aufteilung 50%+10%+10%+10%+10%+9%+1% erfasst auch die Ungleichheit der Vermögensverteilung unter den oberen 50% der Weltbevölkerung. Man könnte sagen, dass der Verteilungskampf unter den oberen 50% am heftigsten ist. Die unteren 50% sind in diesem Kampf nur das Fußvolk.

Übrigens: 99% der Weltbevölkerung besaßen 125859 Milliarden US$ und 1% besaßen 129900 Milliarden US$.


Links (Januar 2017):

Die meisten, die das hier lesen, gehören (so wie ich) zu den reicheren 50%.

Encyclopedia supports Reader-Bias

Dienstag, 20. Juni 2017 - 13:32


Infogalactic plans to solve the structural problems of a community-edited online encyclopedia through objectivity, proven game design principles, and a sophisticated series of algorithms. Currently in an operational Phase One, the Planetary Knowledge Core has a five-phase Roadmap that its founders claim will eliminate edit warring, significantly improve accuracy, neutralize vandalism and other forms of griefing, and render all forms of political bias on the part of administrators and editors irrelevant….

Infogalactic’s anti-bias architecture will permit users to select their preferred perspective and automatically see the version of the subject page that is closest to it based on a series of algorithms utilizing three variables, Relativity, Reliability, and Notability. This means a supporter of Hillary Clinton will see a different version of the current Donald Trump page than a Donald Trump supporter will, as both users will see the version of the page that was most recently edited by editors with perspective ratings similar to his own.

This is orwellian: The wikipedia clone Infogalactic runs with an algorithm that adapts articles to the bias of the reader. A bias architecture is called “anti-bias architecture”.

War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength, Bias is anti-bias.

Breitbart.com likes it.

Britische Unterhauswahl 2017

Samstag, 10. Juni 2017 - 01:43

Referendum in der Türkei

Montag, 15. Mai 2017 - 23:10

Nigel Farange: Bereitschaft zur Wiederholung der Volksabstimmung

Dienstag, 11. April 2017 - 21:31

2016-05-17: There could be unstoppable demand for a re-run of the EU referendum if guess-who wins by a narrow margin on 23 June, UKIP leader Nigel Farage has said.